Potter Heigham Methodist Church
Green Lane
Potter Heigham
Great Yarmouth
NR29 5LP
Rev Andrew King
01493 750799
Church Pastoral Assistant
Shaun Cushion
01493 728693
If you need to call us, please call our Pastoral Assistant first
Sunday Service: 10am
midweek activities
alternate Mondays 7.30pm - 9pm: our Martham Singers, a group of enthusiastic singers, meet for practice. New singers always welcome. Operatic skills not essential!!!
monthly on Monday 10am to 12md: coffee and chat - see noticeboard for details
the Methodist Church wishes to be an environment where all feel welcome and cared for. In order to allow for widest possible access, this church has the following facilities available:
disabled access
disabled toilet
sound reinforcement and hearing loop system
large print material