A new slant on contemplation
Bubbling streams are enticing, inviting you to linger a while and be refreshed. It was this thought that encouraged friends Sue Seeley and Irene Moore to establish their new ministry, Refreshing Streams. They offer low cost Quiet Days and also Time Out online contemplative resources. The Quiet Days, all within 10 miles of Norwich, are a continuation of the retreats they used to run at Neatishead Baptist Church when Sue was pastor there
"But not everyone can get to or make space for quiet days" said Sue. "And some people would like to spend time in reflection but don't want any religious content. So the Christian content is deliberately optional in our Time Out online resources, where my photographs - examples below - act as the starting point for contemplation"

Though there are plenty of opportunities for quiet days and many books encouraging contemplation, the duo are unaware of anything similar to their slant for the online ministry (they stand to be corrected, of course!)
Trialing the material online amongst friends and colleagues resulted in around 100 visits and over 400 page views. A psychologist wrote: "Congratulations - good user friendly web pages - seems like a very sound idea - you are offering reflection and pastoral advice if people choose to receive that option and also in a very friendly and non-confronting way". Now the site is going "live"
The 2014 Quiet Day programme and Time Out online resources can be found at www.refreshingstreams.org.uk (NB. The "org.uk" part of the web address is important; otherwise you will find yourself in an American site). Places on the Quiet Days are limited, so early booking is recommended
Current on-line resources include Times of Turbulence, A Change of Perspective and Reflections & Distortions. And a couple of the contemplative resources have been turned into Bible studies that can be used individually or in a group. Irene and Sue also invite visitors to their site to suggest topics for future on-line material. "We pray that God will really use this new ministry, perhaps in ways we have not yet envisaged," concluded Sue