Meet the Team
Val Pettit
Chairman of the Trustees
I am involved with various local organisations including Great Yarmouth Older Peoples Network, DIAL, Comeunity and, Peggotty Road Community Centre. I have a daughter and a son who between them have eight children. So nanny duties also keep me occupied. Since moving to Great Yarmouth I have worked as a school secretary, an admin assistant at a local accountants, and office manager of a local solicitors firm
David Farrow
Vice Chairman of the Trustees
I was born in the Great Yarmouth area and have lived here all my life. I am married to Teresa and have a son and daughter and three gown up grandchildren plus a two year old granddaughter, which gives my wife and me enough to do looking after her so my daughter can continue working!
I am a director of MDF Transport, now run by my son Mark, which is involved in the Oil and Gas Exploration industry as well as other port related business. I have been interested in the port since the early 1950s when, as a young lad, I wandered the old Fishwharf seeking a bag of fresh herring from church friends on various Scottish drifters
I attend Gorleston Baptist Church which is an important part of my life. I have always been concerned that seafarers visiting our port have adequate facilities, and am pleased to play a small part to help this happen
Rev Peter Paine
Port Chaplain
Hello my name is Peter and I have been Port Chaplain for the past 14 years. I am married to Pat and we have three daughters and three grandchildren
I work for Industrial Mission, who employ me, and Mission to Seafarers who support the work I do. I am a Baptist Minister
I worked in the Royal Air Force on Air Sea Rescue launches, and have loved the sea for as long as I can remember
My aim is to make sure any seafarer, retired or active, is welcomed into the small centre, and that I will be on hand to help where needed
As a centre, we always are looking for volunteers so if you feel you are able to help then give the centre a call
Tony Wright
I have lived all my life in Great Yarmouth, educated at local schools before being employed as an apprentice engineer at Erie Electronics, studying at Great Yarmouth College of FE and when qualified worked mainly in the Oil and Gas industry. Having been involved in the local political scene for over 40 years I have been a Borough councillor for 14 years (leader for 2 years), and was Member of Parliament for 13 years and from 2010 employed at Gardline Shipping Ltd. I am pleased to be associated with the Seafarers project which will undoubtedly go from strength to strength. I am also involved with other local groups in a voluntary capacity
Michael Hewitt
Mike is married to Margaret with one daughter and one granddaughter. He has lived in the Great Yarmouth area all his life
His family background is as marshmen and farmer at Berney Arms and then The Bure Loop near Runham Vauxhall. He spent many hours around Breydon Water and the river Bure
He is now retired after over 35 years with Eastern Electricity. He is treasurer for a number of churches and other organisations in Great Yarmouth. When time allows, Michael is also a voluntary car driver with the ambulance service
Carol Borg
Borough Council representative
I have lived in Great Yarmouth for 26 years after having moved from London to run a guest house. I have also worked in various roles in administration including working in the local tax office. I am married with 2 sons who have both attended university. In 2016, I was elected as a borough councillor for Claydon Ward in Gorleston, a role which I am enjoying. I am looking forward to being involved in the GY Seafarers Centre

Captain Steve Roberts
Steve has been a seafarer for 23 years and first came to know Great Yarmouth when he became a Port Pilot here and gained his first command with local company Gardline
Frequently asked by ships’ crews when he was piloting if there was a Mission or somewhere to be able to contact home, he has seen first-hand the need for the Centre
Steve is now Master / OIM for another local company, Seajacks, who also use the port / outer harbour. When not on board the DP2 self-propelled jackup Seajacks Kraken, he lives in Brundall and is dad to two daughters
Steve's particular role is fundraising

Judith Edmonds
Company Secretary
website editor
Judith edits the websites for Network Yarmouth and Great Yarmouth Seafarers Centre: both on a voluntary basis. She has a working history in business accounting and office management
She is married to Malcolm and they have four children, seven grandchildren, and one greatgranchild between them
She is a member of Park Baptist Church