Update on the Malaviya Twenty situation
18th January 2017
Rev Peter Paine, Port Chaplain

The Malaviya Twenty Indian offshore supply ship has been detained in Yarmouth for not paying staff wages. PHOTO: Nick Butcher
The vessel was arrested just before Christmas. Not a lot has happened since then as the company has 14 days to appeal the court’s decision
This has not happened, so the next step is to either ask the company/ bank if they are going to pay the crew and all outstanding bills, or the Admiralty Sheriff can sell the boat and pay off all the above. Once this has happened the crew will also receive a ticket home
The crew ALL received a large bag of goodies on Christmas Day and were really pleased with everything. The Captain asked my wife, Pat, and me for lunch on Boxing Day: a real Indian Curry -- lovely
The crew have a minimum of two ship visitors each week, and if people want to see the crew then they must go through me, as I need to speak to the Captain first