Malaviya Twenty crew enjoying time spent with local Seafarers Centre volunteers
2nd February 2018

The photo above depicts the new crew of the stricken Malaviya Twenty being treated to a delicious evening meal, an Indian takeaway, provided by Great Yarmouth Seafarers Centre last Monday. They were entertained by the Port Chaplain, Rev Peter Paine, his wife Pat, volunteer and ships’ visitor Colin Wooden, and his wife Elisabeth
After the event Colin described it as having been “a lovely evening”
The three photos below show the ship’s captain, Nikesh Rastogi, on Horsey beach with Colin yesterday on a day out with their cameras to see the seals
If you would like to join our wonderful team of volunteers, please call or email:
Rev Peter Paine a at portchaplain@keme.co.uk or telephone 07788111823