Unveiling of a thank-you gift
20th February 2018
Volunteers, Port Chaplain Rev Peter Paine, and directors of the Great Yarmouth Seafarers Centre gathered together for the unveiling of a gift from the crew of the stricken Malaviya Twenty
photo right: Colin Wooden
Rev Peter opened the event by thanking the 3 crew members present for their and their colleagues for their thoughtful gift. Their captain, Nikesh Rastogi, had initially presented this gift to the board as a token of his and his crew's appreciation of the support received from the Centre over a prolonged period of difficulties
photo left: Colin Wooden
He then introduced the Centre’s Patron, Henry Cator, OBE, DL, High Steward of Great Yarmouth
Henry then unveiled the gift, which was a beautiful clock/thermometer. Below this hung a bell and Henry made the inaugural toll. He said he had been very pleased to take on the role of patron when asked by Rev Peter and praised the dedication of the team of volunteers that kept the centre running
photo right: Malcolm Edmonds

Rev Peter then brought into the room Captain Steve Roberts and introduced him, saying that Steve had been an original director and had to step down when work commitments took him away to other parts of the world. He since returned and has also been welcomed back to the board
Steve then approached Henry and presented a cheque for £500 from his employers, Seajacks
photo left: Malcolm Edmonds
Rev Peter then announced that the finger buffet, supplied and prepared by one of the volunteers Barbara, was open and then we all tucked in to the delicious homemade goodies
If you would like to join our wonderful team of volunteers, please call or email:
Rev Peter Paine a at portchaplain@keme.co.uk or telephone 07788111823
Yvonne and Roger (Guest) |
07/03/2018 16:00 |
How wonderful! We are so pleased at how the Lord has helped you Peter to achieve so much. I remember times when it looked as though you would never get a centre for the Seafarers. Sometimes it all looked perhaps a bit hopeless and discouraging. We hope and pray that the great work will continue to be blessed. And many blessings to you Peter!