Great Yarmouth Seafarers Centre plays Santa
19th December 2018

Great Yarmouth Seafarers Centre’s dedicated volunteers were informed of a Filipino ship to be in the outer harbour over the Christmas period, so banded together to collect goodies for 17 Christmas gift bags for the crew. Photos: Colin Wooden
They diligently sourced various gifts and made up 17 bags to make the Christmas period more festive for this crew
Rev Peter Paine, Port Chaplain, and ships' visitor, Colin Wooden, then went aboard the Volantis to deliver them. Colin reported “It was a very rough night, but we were well received by captain and officers” and the photos show some of the crew displaying their bags
And pictured below is the cook and stewardess that Colin gave a ride into town

If you would like to join our wonderful team of volunteers, please call or email:
Rev Peter Paine a at portchaplain@keme.co.uk or telephone 07788111823