Great Yarmouth Adventist Church
Burnt Lane
Great Yarmouth
NR31 0PG
Pastor: Andrew Cudjoe
Elder: Mike Clarry

Times of worship, events and other information
SATURDAYS (Sabbath): Church at Study – 10.00 am
Church at Worship – 11.15am
Young Adults Fellowship – 2.30pm (2nd Saturday of each month)
WEEKDAYS: 7.30pm Weekly Study/Prayer Meeting at Great Yarmouth Adventist Church, 48 Burnt Lane, Gorleston, Great Yarmouth. All Welcome
Latest News and Podcasts also available on https://greatyarmouth.adventistchurch.org.uk
Available for Baby or Child Dedications, Premarital Counselling, Weddings and Funerals
Shared district between Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft Churches with surrounding
areas - Sister Church: Saxon Road, Off London Road, Pakefield, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR31 7BT
1) Visitation of sick, elderly, needy
2) Various personal witnessing activities
3) Regular Bible study
4) Prayer ministry
5) Supporting ADRA (Adventist Development Relief Agency) our denominational humanitarian aid agency which operates worldwide in conjunction with other well known charities regardless of race,ethnicity or religion
Website: http://www.adra.org.uk
6) Prison Chaplaincy at HMP Blundeston
1) Supporting world-wide mission programme
2) Supporting various charities in addition to our own denominational charity
3) Our minister and the Lowestoft church are much involved with Christians Together
Kitchen facilities and an upstairs meeting room
Health screening in the Yarmouth Market Place Sept 2011
1) Please join us as we pray for the people in the Great Yarmouth area that they will be led by the Holy Spirit to find the assurance and joy of salvation in Jesus Christ and be ready to meet Jesus when He comes again soon
2) Please join us as we pray that moral values will once again be restored in our society
Our church is truly like a family – the family of God – who spend times together on a regular basis for worship, Bible Study & spiritual support and, at various times, for special get-togethers such as a meal, social fellowship, outings and similar events
The Lord has been good to us. He is our precious Saviour and has promised He’s coming again soon to end all the evil and suffering that is in the world – what wonderful news to rejoice in! Our church is growing and has a certain vibrancy that is both heart-warming and encouraging!
Our congregation is compassionate and supportive

Please note that we now have facilities for the disabled which includes a stair lift and toilet facilities for the disabled. Also there are trained nurses in the congregation to assist if required
Access information:
This church has a ramp access
This church has a wheelchair accessible toilet
This church has a loop system for the hard of hearing
In Brief . . .
Seventh-day Adventists believe
The Godhead
We believe there is one God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons
God is immortal, almighty, omniscient, immutable, above all, and ever present
God is infinite and beyond human comprehension and yet known through His self-revelation
God is the Creator and is worthy of worship, adoration and service throughout the universe
The Bible is The Word of God
We believe that both the Old and New Testaments comprise the Sacred Scriptures
They were given by divine inspiration through the prophets who spoke and wrote as they were moved by the Holy Spirit
The Sacred Scriptures are the infallible revelation of God’s will, the knowledge necessary for salvation, our only authoritative revealer of doctrines, and the trustworthy record of God’s acts in history
The Incarnation
We believe that through the incarnation, Jesus, the Son of God, came into this world to live as an example before us and to provide the way of salvation
He took human nature upon Himself without divesting Himself of His divinity: in other words, He is fully human and fully divine
Although He experienced temptation as a human being, He perfectly exemplified the righteousness and love of God.
By His miracles He manifested God’s power and was shown to be the promised Messiah
He voluntarily suffered and died upon the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead, ascended into Heaven as our High Priest Who lives forever to intercede for us
We believe that all men are sinners and Jesus is our only Saviour from sin
Salvation is not the result of our good works but a gift of God’s grace, which we receive by faith
Salvation was completed at the cross through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ
The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin and leads us to repentance
God not only forgives our sins but also puts us right with Himself through the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ
New Birth
When we receive Christ as our personal Saviour we are born into the family of God and begin a new life in Christ
Through the Holy Spirit, this new, sanctified life is to grow unto full maturity
The “fruit of the Spirit” will become evident in the development of the Christian life
By His grace, the Holy Spirit empowers us to live in harmony with God’s will by overcoming the sinful nature and by reflecting His loving character
Baptism by Immersion
We believe in believer’s baptism unto repentance by total water immersion
The mode of Baptism illustrates death, burial and resurrection.
It is an outward expression of the inward experience of dying in Christ to the old life, being buried with Jesus and rising to a new life in Him; and it is a public confession of our faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus our Saviour
Baptism follows instruction from the Bible and acceptance of its teachings
The Lord’s Supper and Ordinance of Humility
We practice open communion, which means anyone who accepts Jesus as their Saviour is welcome to share the emblems of the Lord’s Supper
The emblems are memorials of the body and blood of Jesus, and are an expression of faith in Him as our Lord and Saviour
In accordance with our Saviour’s command, we precede the Lord’s Supper with the Ordinance of humility, a service of foot washing to signify renewed cleansing and to express willingness to serve one another in Christ-like humility, and to unite our hearts in love
Second Coming
We believe in the promise of Jesus that He will return to take us to Heaven where he is preparing a place for the redeemed
Even though the time of His return has not been revealed, world conditions along with the virtual fulfillment of most prophetic events indicate that it is imminent
His Second Advent will be the glorious climax of the gospel
Christ’s Second Coming will be literal, personal, visible, glorious and worldwide
Sleep of death and Resurrection
We believe that human beings are mortal and that death is “the wages of sin”
The Bible calls death a “sleep” – i.e. a state of total unconsciousness until the resurrection
Concerning those who have died, we believe that the redeemed will be raised to life by the Voice of Jesus in the “first resurrection” at His Second Coming and will be caught up with those who are alive to meet Jesus in the air
Only God is immortal but at the resurrection of the redeemed, Jesus will change them from mortal to immortal
At Christ’s Second Coming the living wicked will flee from His glorious presence and perish
Heaven and New Earth
We believe Christ’s personal return will bring an end to this sinful world
In accordance with His promise, we look forward to the earth made new where righteousness will be at home
God will restore this earth to the paradise it was before sin entered our environment and vandalized God’s perfect creation
Final destruction of the wicked
We believe that God is a just and merciful God Who has promised to bring a final end to all wickedness together with the unrepentant
1,000 years after Christ’s Second Coming, all the unrighteous will be raised in the “second resurrection” to face the Final Judgment. They will be destroyed by fire in what the Bible calls “the second death”; following this there will be no resurrection – therefore the wicked will be no more
The entire universe will once again be free from all that is sinful
God’s 10 Commandments
We believe God’s 10 Commandments (i.e. the moral law) are a transcript of His character and are therefore as holy, immutable and eternal as God Himself
Through the agency of the Holy Spirit they point out sin and awaken a sense of need for a Saviour
They express God’s love, will, and purposes concerning human conduct and relationships; and they are binding upon all people in every age
Obedience to God should take priority over obedience to anyone; and it is in love and loyalty to Him that we aim to keep them by His grace. Jesus said that if we love Him, we would keep His Commandments
While salvation is all of grace and not of works, its fruitage is obedience to God’s Commandments
The obedience of faith demonstrates the power of Christ to transform lives and thereby strengthens the Christian witness
Sabbath – Creation
We believe God requires us to keep the Seventh-day Sabbath (Saturday) as instructed in the 4th Commandment
The Sabbath is a memorial of His creation because it is the day He rested from all His work of creation, He made that day sacred and blessed it
Joyful observance of God’s sacred time from sunset to sunset is in accord with the example and teaching of Jesus, and is a celebration of God’s creative and redemptive acts
The Sabbath is God’s perpetual sign of His eternal covenant between Him and His people
We observe the Seventh-day Sabbath because we love God and wish to honour Him as our Creator and Redeemer
Sanctity of marriage and The Christian Home
We believe that marriage is a sacred ordinance ordained of God as a life-long union between one man and one woman in loving companionship, and should be respected and safeguarded as such
The marriage union should reflect the sanctity, closeness and permanence of the loving union between Christ and His Church
Marriage carries important responsibilities and should therefore not be entered into lightly
Parents are to bring up their children, by precept and example, to love and obey the Lord
Christian Stewardship
We believe we are God’s stewards entrusted with time and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources
We acknowledge God’s ownership – recognizing Him as our gracious Benefactor – by faithful service to Him and our fellowmen, and by returning tithes and offerings for the proclamation of the gospel and the growth and support of His Church
We are stewards of God’s grace with responsibility towards our fellow human beings by showing the love of God in word and action, whether by the proclamation of the gospel, reaching out to the poor, needy, sick and suffering through our various ministries and by our educational, medical institutions and humanitarian aid agency
As Christians we have a solemn duty before God to respect the sanctity of life and the endowment of man’s freewill.
We are also stewards of our planet and therefore have a duty to care for the environment
Health – “Temples of the Holy Spirit”
We believe our bodies are “temples of the Holy Spirit” and are commanded by God to glorify Him by our lifestyle and what we eat and drink
For this reason we advocate a healthy diet of wholesome, natural foods; and abstain from alcohol, narcotics, tobacco, and food forbidden by God
Spiritual Gifts
We believe Jesus has given various gifts to each believer in the church for the furtherance of the gospel and the edifying of the church
The Holy Spirit distributes these gifts as He determines; and it is our responsibility as individuals, as stewards of His grace, to recognize and use the particular gifts He bestows upon us
Equality of all People – Religious Liberty
We recognize that God made all men equal whatever race or gender they may be, and He gave everyone a free will
It is our duty as earthly citizens to respect the equality of human beings but it is also our responsibility to exercise the freedom of choice God has given us in a way that is right in His sight
We therefore are foremost in voicing the right of human beings to have freedom of religion according to their conscience
Our worldwide humanitarian work makes no distinction of nationality, colour or creed
If anyone wishes to see the Biblical evidence for our beliefs, we shall be only too pleased to send it to them