St Nicholas' Church, Bradwell

Upper Church Walk
Great Yarmouth
NR31 8QQ
Rev Steve Deall
The Rectory
Church Walk
Great Yarmouth
NR31 8QQ
tel: 01493 663219
Assistant Ministers:
Times of Worship, Events & Other Information
8.00am Holy Communion (1662 Prayer Book)
10.00am Morning worship with children's activities
(1st Sunday All-Age service, 2nd & 4th Sunday Holy Communion)
6.30pm Evening Service
(1st and 3rd Sunday Holy Communion)
8.00am Holy Communion
Church open until 3pm from April to September and 1pm from October to March.
Children's Work
Children and Young people
We believe that children and young people are really important. So we run an number of groups for those aged 0-18
Our creche is open every Sunday at the back of the church, in the belfry
Treasure Seekers
Treasure Seekers is our Sunday morning group for the younger members of our church from aged 4 upwards. We meet at the church at 10.00am, and then move into the church hall
During term-time

New Venture
New Venture is our after-school club for school-aged children
New Venture at is on a break for the summer and restarts on Friday 12th September 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Continues on 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month
Cost £1.50 including tea
For more information please contact Chris Tinker on 663219
Little Pearls
Little Pearls is for anyone who takes care of children up to school age. We meet on Tuesdays 1.45pm – 3.30pm, but all are free to come and go. We play and chat and have a short singing and bible story time
For more details contact Julie Nicholls on 60173
Other Activities include
Life at St Nicholas, Bradwell isn't limited to Sundays
As a church we realise that we are completely reliant upon God for everything.
St Nicholas Central is an opportunity on the first monday of each month to meet together to pray, to sing God's praises, to deepen our fellowship with one another and to move forward together
Digging Deeper
Digging Deeper groups usually meet fortnightly in different places at different times to 'dig deeper' into God's word, the bible. Our groups are also a way to get to know people better and to provide support as we seek to live our lives for Jesus. For more details contact Martin Upton on 668184
Mothers Union
There is a very active Mother Union that meets in the hall on the first Thursday on each month at 2.30pm
Friendship Lunch
Every Month we hold a friendship lunch in the church hall. Anyone is more than welcome to join us. Contact Sue Upton on 668184 for more details
Social events
We love having fun together and growing in our friendships so from time to time we have events such as Church picnics,film nights, guest speakers, games nights, a men's group, an annual Harvest Supper and more. Check our website for forthcoming events
Bell Ringing
We have a ring of three bells. If you are interested in joining the ringers please contact Lawrence Hassall via the Rector
Our Mission statement is:
"Living and sharing the love of Jesus"
Our strengths:
Whether you have big questions, are wanting to find out more, have a young faith or a long-established faith, we offer a warm welcome to all, and hope that you will find what you are looking for with us
Easy accessibility: Loop System : Large Print Books : Tapes of Sermons : Good Heating
Seat up to 100: Toilet Facilities (suitable for the disabled) : Loop System.
Building up the Body of Christ here in Bradwell
Outreach into the village
Contacts we have through Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals
Work within the schools, residential and nursing homes
Judith Edmonds, 15/03/2007