What is Christianity all about?
Christians are people who respond to the love of God which Jesus has shown us
Jesus left two guiding principles for his followers: Love God and Love one another
Loving God can often seem difficult. You can’t see Him, touch Him or smell Him, and it’s often hard to even believe that He’s there at all. But loving God begins with loving all that He embodies - justice, mercy, faithfulness and hope, but above all else, love. From there a relationship with God can begin
Christianity is all about relationships, about making the world a better place - into the loving community God intended it to be. That's not to say that Christians always get it right - we don't - but God always forgives us when we come humbly to Him and, if we let Him, helps us to do better next time. Life with God is a journey of discovery, in which we are free to transform ourselves into all that we can be. Only when we submit our lives to God, to the love and goodness that He embodies, are we truly free to experience the depth that life has to offer
The Bible discusses this in many different ways, but two specific references you may want to consider are found in the book of John, chapter 3, and the book of Romans, chapter 10
Whether you know God or not, there are many Christian groups in Great Yarmouth to offer you a loving community of relationships. You can find out about them on this website
Whoever you are, there are Christians across our town who can help you to understand God. Please contact any of the churches or groups listed on this site, or ask us to do it for you, if you’d like to get to know God in our community
If you would like to know more about Jesus, click here

If you'd like a simple explanation of Christian theology, click here
Here's another site for those looking for God
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