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Network Yarmouth
Christmas at home
Christmas by your fireside?
Trimmings on your tree?
Christmas lunch with those you love?
How lovely that will be …
Crackers on your table?
Presents by the score?
Carol singers wrapped in scarves,
Who could ask for more?
Turkey in the oven?
All sorts on a platter?
Was there a Christmas message?
Does it really matter?
Choir’s singing softly,
“Goodwill to all mankind!”
Was this part of Christmas?
Was it left behind?
But there are some amongst us,
Who have no Christmas cheer …
In fact this season of goodwill,
Brings sorrow, dread and fear …
They have no glowing fireside,
They have no Christmas tree,
They have no gifts they can unwrap,
So excitedly ….
So could you make a difference?
And help YMCA,
Deliver just one simple gift,
This coming Christmas day?
Could you bring some sunshine?
And make that message glow …
Delivered by that baby boy,
So many years ago ….
YMCA accommodates a large number of young people in their services in Norfolk
This year, they are endeavouring to make sure that not one of them goes without a Christmas gift of some kind
If anybody in the community feels they can help in any way, however small….it would be appreciated by YMCA, but more importantly these “Adults Of Tomorrow”
Article printed from at 00:25 on 22 January 2025