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Great Yarmouth Food Bank sees massive increase in demand
· George Ryan
· @GeorgeMRyan
26 April 2017
Great Yarmouth Food Bank sees massive increase in demand because of ongoing problems with Universal Credit
Launch of the Great Yarmouth Foodbank. Great Yarmouth Foodbank, run by volunteers and supported by the borough council, is a partnership between three local churches: Great Yarmouth Salvation Army, Gorleston Baptist Church, and St Mary Magdalene Church, in Gorleston. Picture: James Bass
A Food Bank is handing out ten times the number of food parcels to those in need in the space of a year
The independently-run Great Yarmouth Food Bank has seen a big spike in those seeking help since the new Universal Credit benefits system was rolled out across the borough
Last month over 1,000 units, or food parcels, were handed out. This is compared to just over 100 in the same month last year
Liz Townson, a trustee at the Food Bank, said they were over stretched and in desperate need of food donations and volunteers
She added “We are having to buy food whereas normally we had enough from the community bringing it in”
“It has been a difficult time. The changes have cost us no end of trouble”
She said the food parcels could get smaller as they may have to reassess how much food goes in to each parcel
Yarmouth was chosen as a pilot area for the government’s new Universal Credit last spring and then later in Lowestoft
During the roll out of Universal Credit in Great Yarmouth there have been issues that the claims process has caused long delays for some people, with a six to eight week being common
Ms Townson added that problems with the roll out were exacerbated because Yarmouth has got “such a high level of deprivation”
Universal Credit combines several other working-age benefits, including housing benefit and Job Seeker’s Allowance, with a monthly instead of fortnightly payment
The housing element of Universal Credit is no longer paid directly to landlords anymore, with paying rent being the responsibility of claimants
Some landlords have been forced to evict tenants who have not kept up with their rent and in the most extreme cases some people were made homeless
The Great Yarmouth Food Bank has written to the Department for Work and Pensions to express their concerns
Those accessing the Food Bank need to come via authorised agency referrals
To qualify for help, families and individuals have to be referred to the Food Bank by a professional care organisation, like a GP surgery or social worker
Ms Townson said ensured this ensured food went to the people who needed it
What a food parcel contains
A crisis parcel from the food bank is designed to help with a short term crisis
It normally contains snack, tins, plus toiletries if requested when available
A parcel is issued when a referral is received from a supporting agency or when a service user presents at the Foodbank drop-in with a job centre clearance form
Parcels will be issued for a period usually until benefits are restored
Depending on availability, parcels contain:
• milk sachets
• sugar
• tea or coffee
• soup
• baked beans
• spaghetti
• tomatoes
• vegetables
• potato product/instant mash
• meat product
• fish product
• dried pasta/rice
• pasta sauce
• noodles/cuppa-soups
• sandwich filling
• cereal
• fruit
• biscuits
this article reproduced from the Yarmouth Mercury website and used with permission
Article printed from at 00:39 on 22 January 2025