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Network Yarmouth
A Civic Society for Great Yarmouth
Hugh Sturzaker
30th August 2017
Great Yarmouth Minster is the oldest building in Great Yarmouth and is one of many wonderful buildings which need preserving. Unfortunately, there are many buildings and areas in the town which need improving and this is essential if we are going to attract increasing numbers of visitors
To help improve the appearance of the town and develop a sense of civic pride, we are forming a civic society whose aims are to make Great Yarmouth a better place in which to live and it will preserve, protect, and improve the town’s cultural heritage
If you are interested, do come along to the inaugural meeting which is being held on
Tuesday 19 September in Christchurch, King Street, Great Yarmouth, NR30 2HL at 7.30pm
. Admission will be free but we do hope you will be sufficiently interested to consider becoming a
Foundation Member
for the
annual membership fee of £10
Membership of the Society is open to anyone who cares about the town and wants to improve it. There will be meetings every two months and occasional visits to interesting buildings, villages, and towns
I do hope you will come along on Tuesday 19 September
Article printed from at 00:27 on 22 January 2025