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Network Yarmouth
From the Rectory March 2018
as published in Great Yarmouth Parish Life
Rev Canon Simon Ward
Team Rector, Great Yarmouth Parish
It’s grey. It’s cold. It’s damp and freezing with a risk of snow showers as I look out of the study window today. From the wintery outlook this morning it feels like any potential of spring is a long way off. However, by the time you read this I would imagine that there will be more spring flowers poking through and the chance of some warmer weather and our minds turn to spring
At this time of year many people will be thinking of spring cleaning: that good and thorough clean up when you can open the windows and doors and let fresh air flood through. It’s a breath of freshness after the dreary stagnancy of winter. It somehow seems right that in this hemisphere the freshness of spring coincides with Lent. Just as we try and blast the dust from the house, spring cleaning is something which Christians are encouraged to do in their own lives. It’s a process of looking at ourselves and imagining how we can grow to be more Christ-like
One good way to allow some fresh air into our spiritual lives is to try something new. This applies to us all, whether we have been a Christian forever or are new to church or even if we’ve been ordained for decades. Take the opportunity to try something new this Lenten season; so why not go to a service you would not normally attend? Why not get a spiritual book to read or spend more time with your Bible? Why not spend some time in silence or volunteer to help with something you’ve not done before. All of these can stretch and challenge us and if we do it prayerfully, asking God to be with us, it can help us to grow and allow the fresh air in
We have an invitation to share with Christ as he was in the wilderness and to face temptations and to confront within ourselves the things which need clearing out. This is the time to sweep out the habits which lead us astray in order to focus on the truly important things of God
Time will allow us to uncover the broken areas of our lives and have Jesus build us into people fit for his kingdom and ready for Easter!
With Lenten Blessings, Fr Simon
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Article printed from at 00:30 on 22 January 2025