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Network Yarmouth
1st October 2018
Malcolm Edmonds
Member of Park Baptist Church
What is your patience like? When you are told to wait two weeks to see a doctor, waiting for that hospital appointment to arrive through the letter box, waiting for that bus to arrive, and there will be many more situations where our patience is tested
It is common that many people will become frustrated and this could lead to other serious problems. We have no control over the situation and accepting this would be a lot healthier for us
My patience was tested this year when we had to wait eight months for a builder to start major work needed on our house; within those eight months constantly being let down by the promises on the start date, praying to my Heavenly Father helped me with my frustration as His word tells us “
come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”
(Matthew 11:28)
When you pray to our heavenly Father He hears and answers our prayers, 1 John 5:14.15
From our prayers, I believe some of us look for an answer in a very short time, but, as Christians, we should exercise our patience, which is listed among the fruit of the spirit, Galatians 5:22. It is all about God’s timing and not ours, He knows best
Paul told the church at Thessalonica: Thessalonians 5:14 “
be patient with everyone
God was patient; He waited for 120 years for Noah to finish building the ark
Footnote: patience in dictionary: the ability to wait, or to continue doing something despite difficulties, or to suffer without complaining, or becoming annoyed
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Article printed from at 00:31 on 22 January 2025