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Network Yarmouth
Yarmouth homeless support charity celebrates 1st year
The Living Room in Great Yarmouth has just celebrated its first year of being a registered charity. The project, which supports rough sleepers in the town, is still appealing for volunteers to help during the coming winter. Tony Rothe, Network East Norfolk, reports
Anna Heydon
from the charity said, “On October 25 we held a public AGM and celebrated with a beautiful birthday cake which was kindly made and donated by the team in the
King's Centre
kitchen. Reports were shared by the Chair of Trustees, Project Coordinator and Treasurer. It was a wonderful opportunity to look back and be grateful”
he Living Room Great Yarmouth
was set up to provide a warm, safe space for rough sleepers over the winter months. They provide overnight emergency accommodation in church buildings for up to 10 visitors a night, 3 nights a week. Last winter they were able to support 31 different visitors. This year, they will start providing emergency accommodation for rough sleepers on
Friday November 23
The Living Room is still in need of volunteers to help this winter in a variety of different ways, including cooking and covering shifts. To find out more, visit:
or ring 07724303310
There are further ways in which people can support the project:
The Living Room has entered the
Aviva Community Fund
competition, which relies on getting votes from the public to be considered for funding. Members of the public can vote for the project in the fund, which is open until
November 20
Please follow this link
supermarket in Great Yarmouth currently has The Living Room as one of their 3 featured charities for green tokens. Readers using Asda are urged to use the tokens to help Yarmouth’s homeless
The project would also welcome people’s prayers. This
Together Network prayer guide
focuses on homelessness, and includes a section on prayer points for The Living Room. Please use it to pray for us and the other homelessness projects round the country
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in East Norfolk?
If so, email
with details and, if possible a suitable picture
Published 02/11/2018
Article printed from at 12:23 on 21 January 2025