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Network Yarmouth
From the Rectory February 2019
as published in Great Yarmouth Parish Life
Rev Canon Simon Ward
There’s a tree surgeon up a tree outside my window; next to the bungalows behind the Rectory. He’s fairly high up the tree and held in place by harness and ropes but is clambering around with a chainsaw, which he uses to lop off the designated branches which drop down to the ground below. To add to the complication it’s a windy day and the coldest day we’ve had for some time too. Looking at it, I kind of fancy having a go
It takes me back to a holiday job I did as a teenager when I worked for a landscape gardener and me looking admiringly at the guys who did the tree surgery: it’s the combination of power tools, climbing trees and an element of danger, I am sure. They looked as adventurous as pirates in the rigging and you don’t argue with someone with a chainsaw. A few years ago I borrowed a chainsaw to try and tame a large, wooded, rectory garden. It was then I realised that a good tree surgeon makes things look easy. They also make things look neater by the time they finish
Have you ever paused and thought of another job or profession you would have like to have tried? At this point I must say that I am a content priest who has no plans for a career change. But there are times I glance at someone doing a different job and think it could be interesting
Increasingly the pattern of work we see is far more transient than it used to be. Both my grandfathers took a job when they left school and stayed in that trade for the rest of their working life but this is not how people work nowadays. Young peoples’ careers will probably morph and change over time for a variety of reasons: changing culture and technologies, the need to learn new skills, and the transient nature of employment to name just a few. We live in times when many workers live with uncertainty over their employment
The Christian teaching of work extends far beyond simply doing something to earn money to pay the bills and maybe feel enriched and happy along the way. The work we engage in is the world in which God has placed each of us and is full of opportunity for service, growth, prayer and witness to the message of Jesus Christ. At work we may be surrounded by other people who are all, like us, made in the image of God and people are more important than the product of our work!
Whatever work you do, paid or unpaid, may you and those you love find fulfilment in your tasks. And if you see me with a chainsaw, just steer me back to church
With prayers and blessings
Fr Simon
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Article printed from at 00:36 on 22 January 2025