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Network Yarmouth
Only Love can bring us all together
13th May 2019
Loving one another is a challenge familiar to all Christians, and Network Norfolk columnist, Philip Young, urges us all to embrace that challenge. He starts by asking us to imagine that Love is speaking to us:
I am love.
I created the world with love.
Everything and every creature is made in my image,
Which means that everything to you is a brother or sister,
From the smallest particles to the largest galaxies.
It is you who make divisions and build walls.
I am one and you are also of the one.
Knowledge requires you to sort and to name,
But deeper knowledge never separates or divides.
Love holds everything together.
Every particle vibrates with the energy of love.
I am that love
Poems are often capable of expressing truth in a profound and simple way
Is there some way that we as human beings can bring all together in love and transform all that we are and all that we do? We are connected to one another. Together we either become extinct or together we learn to act for the good of our planet and survive
Never in human history has there been a more important time for us to discover our common humanity and to act as one species to love and protect our planet. It has always been true that we are united by our common humanity. We are united by the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the food we share, and our shared history of life on earth
We are discovering more and more that ‘no man is an island’ and that either we flourish together, or we perish together. The universe is an amazing place and this oasis of life which is our planet is truly beautiful. It is urgent that we come together as a species and love and protect our home
I believe that life in all its fullness is calling us to act together in love. God is love and love is God. I believe we are all God’s creatures and that every human being is a creature born and created in love. At this point of our history there is an urgent need for us to be in touch with transforming love and for all of us to discover that the only barriers or walls that divide us are the ones of our own making
Beloved let us love one another and love our home planet. God/Love is calling us to act together
Let us transform our world and let us do it now
The above image is courtesy of
Philip is an Anglican, Quaker, and a member of the Third Order of Franciscans, and now lives in Felixstowe. Until July 2014 he was the Diocesan Environmental Officer for the Norwich Diocese. In June 2017 he stood as an Independent Candidate for the General Election in the Suffolk Coastal Constituency. He is now Associate Priest at St John and St Edmund in Felixstowe and a freelance writer on spiritual and political matters. He is available to run Quiet Days, give talks, presentations or to preach and can be contacted at
. Philip is developing a new website
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Article printed from at 00:19 on 22 January 2025