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Network Yarmouth
From Father Stephen Andrews June 2019
as published in Great Yarmouth Parish Life
Rev Stephen Andrews
Change comes in many forms during our lifetime, it's an existence. From the very beginning when God created the world and the words "Let there be Light" were spoken, there was an immediate separation from darkness. What better way to appreciate this than through observing the seasons and the changes that come with them
When we look around, we're able to appreciate all the gifts that have been given to us at this time of the year, summertime could quite possibly be the most enjoyable time of the year. Picnics and BBQs shared with family and friends, holidays and gardening, the list goes on!
Throughout scripture we learn of many changes, including setbacks, challenges, and those times of unhappiness. Yet, in many cases, we see that all of this was with purpose. Our greatest biblical heroes were not totally immune from times of darkness, but their unshakable faith helped them enormously when things were stacked up against them. Having the opportunity to learn from such holy men and women is a real blessing and should serve as a reminder throughout the many changes we face during the year and in our lifetime
Just as the seasons come and go, there is much we can learn and it will serve to remind us that everything is done with purpose, and that our heavenly Father is in full control
With every blessing Fr Stephen
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Article printed from at 00:30 on 22 January 2025