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Network Yarmouth
From the Rectory April 2020
I write at a time in mid-March 2020 when things seem to be changing fast with new announcements about public health made each day. There is uncertainty about how the coronavirus is going to impact upon daily life and work. I saw today supermarkets heaving with shoppers trying to stock up as the uncertainty takes a root and people worry that they may run short of supplies. The fear is understandable especially for those who are elderly, frail, or vulnerable. We should do well to be ever mindful of the needs of those who may suffer more than ourselves
Things are worse elsewhere. Italy has a soaring number of cases and other countries more than the UK but the picture is ever changing. I looked to see what the churches in Italy are doing and services in the Vatican are being held without congregation present. You can go online and watch the liturgy being livestreamed as the pope celebrated mass each morning. This will continue into the major celebrations of Holy Week where celebrations will take place but without the physical presence of the faithful
Of course, at Easter we enjoy many people coming to worship and celebrate the Risen Lord. We light a new fire, carry the flame into the church and loudly proclaim that Christ is risen. The organ blasts out the music as we sing as many ‘Alleluias’ as possible on Easter morning. It is a spiritual fixture in our year
It may be different for you this year. Quieter, less people, more solitary. Maybe we should remember that the first witnesses to the resurrection came to the realization quietly and often alone or in ones and twos: Mary in the garden, Peter at the tomb, and companions on the road to Emmaus. The resurrection is the perpetual promise of new life, however grave or dark the situation may feel
Whether on our own, or joining with others, let us make this Holy Week and Easter more prayerful and more holy. And may we all know the power of the risen Lord
Fr Simon
as published in Great Yarmouth Parish Life
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Article printed from at 00:30 on 22 January 2025