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Network Yarmouth
The surfing Saviour and the dripping disciple
11th August 2020
Rev Canon Simon Ward shares with us the value of recognising what it's like to be rescued
If you were at the Sea of Galilee with the disciples and found yourself climbing out of the boat at the end of Matthew 14:22-33, I wonder what image would stay with you more: Jesus on the water or Peter sinking? As you drifted off the sleep that night what picture would be on your mind: the surfing Saviour or the dripping disciple?
The disciples' boat is battered by wind and wave, far from the shore. Then early in the morning they see a figure walking toward them across the water. They are terrified and think a ghost is after them but Jesus speaks to reassure them: “Take heart, It Is I; do not be afraid”
We all know what Peter did next. He seeks demonstration of Jesus authenticity with an invite to join Jesus on the water, which Jesus does. Peter defies the nature and walks out toward Jesus on the surface of the lake until rapidly he notices the waves and begins to sink. Jesus, as we wet know, reaches out to rescue Peter, chastising him for his lack of faith. The response of those in the boat is to worship
Do you see Peter or Jesus? It may be a matter of which one speaks to you. We all have those weeks when we feel like we are sinking and we're battered by waves. The message comes over clear to us: Jesus has authority and we when we falter we must reach out in faith. The surfing Saviour and the dripping disciple go hand In hand. We can’t remove one form the other. There will be in the inevitable times of sinking feeling but It Is then we must look up. Besides, if we never sank we would never know what it is to be rescued-
With prayers and good wishes to you all
Fr Simon
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Article printed from at 00:31 on 22 January 2025