Daily Share-a-Prayer w/e 08/09/2024

Derek Mill
Worship Leader, All Saints Church, Belton


Sunday 8th September

Heavenly Father, I feel so privileged! I come before You each day to pray; what a privilege! I come before You each day to praise You and give thanks for all that You have done for me. I come before You each day to worship You, my Lord, my King, my God, my Saviour
You have chosen me for a privileged position as a husband, father, and grandfather. You have chosen me to be a teacher. You have chosen me to be a messenger. You have chosen me to be a worship leader. You have chosen me to be a preacher of the Gospel. You have chosen me to be Your adopted child. You have chosen me to be a friend of Jesus. You have chosen me to receive gifts in music. Each and every one of these things is a privilege
I don't deserve any of them but You are good, kind, and gracious. How can I be anything but grateful for the life You have given me. How can I be anything but grateful for the breath in my body? How can I live in any other way than with an attitude of gratitude? How can I live any other way than Your Way, the Way of Jesus
Every person is different, and the details of their lives will be different, but each one of us has reasons to be thankful. There may be difficult days ahead, stormy days, but even in the storm I can praise Your Name, give thanks and worship You
You are faithful. You are Holy. You are compassionate. Your love is unending, infinite. While the storm rages outside, inside is peace, the peace only You can give; another privilege and another reason for gratitude
Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid"
Songs for today:
Peace be still
God is dwelling in my heart 


Saturday 7th September

Heavenly Father, I've been thinking a lot about school recently, probably because of my grandchildren going back or starting recently. I suppose life is an education, a journey of discovery
My youngest grandson learned a few days ago that he could roll onto his tummy. You could see how delighted he was. He couldn't roll back, but that is a lesson for another day, another opportunity to learn
We sometimes hear someone say, "Some people never learn". You tell us in Your Word: "As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly. Do you see a person wise in their own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for them". And also: "Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding"
One of the first words a child learns is, "Why?" When told to do something they soon start asking, "Why?" After a while this can become tedious and there is a temptation to simply answer, "Because I say so!" Not always a good idea, even though sometimes it may be necessary, if the required action is urgent. However, You tell us: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger"
Later, education starts to answer other questions: "How... When... Who... What?" And of course: "Why?" We look into causes and effects. We ask, "What have we learned?" And we never stop learning
Father, help me to learn from my mistakes, but most importantly, from You and Jesus. You have given us so much to discover. And then I will know 'why'
Songs for today:
None like Jehovah 



Friday 6th September

Heavenly Father, quite often I read in morning prayer: "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts"
I know so little about Your creation, so I get where You were coming from when You spoke to Job, saying: "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched the measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone - while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy?"
I have so much to learn and so little time to learn all there is to know; perhaps that is why You have given us eternity? There are some things I can do but many more that I can't!
Again, Your question to Job gives a clue to the depth of my power, or lack of it: “Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades? Can you loosen Orion’s belt? Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs? Do you know the laws of the heavens? Can you set up God’s dominion over the earth?" Without a doubt Your ways are higher than mine, Your thoughts too.
Thank You that I can get started in learning Your Way by looking at Jesus. Thank You that I can trust You to show me the Way, knowing that whatever comes You will lead me in the Way everlasting, to eternal life. What a wonderful , loving Father You are
Songs for today:
Your ways are higher than mine
Oh my soul where is your faith
Whatever comes


Thursday 5th September

Heavenly Father, I've prayed for pupils and teachers, and today I want to pray for those left behind, the parents, probably, mostly, the mothers. It may be the first time in five years, or the first time in eighteen years, that they haven't had someone 'under their feet' having no one else to think about, at least until they come home
The day may no longer be organised for them with play-dates and trips out. Food may no longer mysteriously disappear from the fridge!
For some, the days may feel long and empty; for others it will be an opportunity to seize the day, "Carpe Diem" and be free to do whatever they want, unhindered
Some may collapse in a chair, exhausted after years of being the entertainer, or the clown, or the guest at a pretend tea party, the maker of dens!
For some it will be an opportunity to pick up where they left off all those years ago. Perhaps studying. Perhaps enjoying a neglected hobby. Perhaps going back to work. Perhaps spending quality time with You, putting You first instead of 'the kids'
For some depression may set in as they no longer feel needed, no longer at the centre of their child's life; now "Miss says" or "Sir says" or "My friend says" and the parent is pushed to one side
Lord bless all those 'left behind'. Help us all to remember, help me to remember, that there is a whole world needing to hear the Gospel and that serving You is so important, vital, if those around us are to know Jesus. Where one door closes another opens. I hear You knocking!
Songs for today:
Lord Make Me an Instrument of Your Peace
I Want To Serve the Purpose of God
Send Me Out From Here Lord


Wednesday 4th September

Heavenly Father, I prayed yesterday for students returning to school, college, or university; it seems only fair to pray today for the teachers and assistants, principals, heads, and deputies, new staff and old hands
For some it will be their first time facing a class, for others it will be their last year as they are due to retire. All will have a back story of one sort or another. Some will teach their subject. Some will teach children. Some will be nervous and fearful, others will be super confident. Some will be loved and some hated. For some the day will be quite an ordeal
Throughout the coming year there will be successes and failures. I am sure every single one of them will be doing their best for their pupils or students, encouraging them to learn, not only the subject matter, whatever that may be, but also the social skills they need to live and thrive in a hostile world where there are so many challenges and so much to take on board and understand
Father, gift each one with compassion, help them to remember that each one of their pupils also has a back story; some coming from stable homes, loved and cared for, but others from volatile situations where they feel unloved and uncared for. Many will have special needs; in some ways they will all have special needs as each one is in need of love
Lord, strengthen each member of staff so they can deal with whatever life throws at them. May they support and encourage one another. And may they come to know You, through Jesus, as Lord and Saviour
Songs for today:
Where Would I Be 
Grace of Heaven


Tuesday 3rd September

Heavenly Father, as September has begun children of all ages right through to those in their teens will be preparing to go to school, college, or university
For some it will be their first experience of being organised in a large group in nursery or reception. It may be the first time away from their mother. Some will take to it like a duck to water while others may feel like they are drowning in new experiences. Older children will be moving up to a new year and a new teacher
Some from a primary school to a high school and a completely different way of working with a whole set of different teachers for different subjects. There will be some they like and others they hate, both teachers and subjects
The later teens may be off to sixth form, able to drop subjects and choose what they like or what they are best at; perhaps with no uniform and free to choose what they wear for the first time since they were four or five. And once again with different tutors or teachers
And some will be leaving home to go to 'uni'. Independent, also alone; look after themselves, physically, socially, and financially. A whole new way of living
Lord Jesus, out of all of these children and young adults some will have known You all their lives, some will have just met You and some won't know You at all, but one thing is certain, they all need You in their lives. There will be mountains to climb, successes and failures, joy and heartache, trials and temptation
Lord I pray for them all to know You as Friend. I know You know and love each one, bless them all
Songs for today:
The Blessing
Pour Your Spirit Out 
New Day
New Start


Monday 2nd September

Heavenly Father, I spent a little while at church yesterday preparing a Bible Study. As I read through two passages of Scripture I formed a few questions to ask anyone who came to the table
I think they are useful for any passage. They were: "What stands out as relevant to me? What 'bugs' me? What do I need to learn? Can I do anything about it? What can only You do?"
I prayed a little while ago about one of the passages as it stood out to me: "Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless"
I am aware that I speak to a lot of people every day, particularly in sharing prayers, and as I meet people round the village, some I know and others I don't. If I do not live a life that shines the Light of Jesus, if my words don't match my actions, if I am harsh, if I am unkind or polluted by the world, then my "religion is worthless"
This is so relevant and "bugs me". I do need to look in the mirror to see what others, and You, see; reflect on my life, on all I do and say to see if I have failed You in any way. I don't want my 'mission' such as it is, serving You the best I can, to be undermined in any way, to become worthless
Help me to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry. "Wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness". Your wisdom is what I need to learn and live by. Thank You
Songs for today:
I Shall Not Want
Make Me a Channel of Your Peace
More Like Jesus


all songs (usually with lyrics) and talks courtesy of YouTube



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