Rev Canon Simon Ward Team Rector, Great Yarmouth Team Ministry, and Rural Dean
I paid good money this morning to get pulled around by a physiotherapist. I do it occasionally and although sometimes it’s a painful experience, I know that it is good for me. What fascinates me about the skill of a physiotherapist is to understand the interconnectedness of the human body. For example, a pain in the neck is caused by tightness in the shoulder. A pain in the lower leg caused by stiffness in the lower back. The fact is that our bodies are wonderfully made and extremely finely balanced, therefore if something is not doing exactly what it is supposed to then the rest of the body feels the impact It was therefore very appropriate that soon after my physio appointment I was listening to a reading from 1 Corinthians. It is a well-known passage where St Paul gives a vivid illustration of the body in comparison to the church. He describes how the church has many members and all of them have different gifts and callings. Some are apostles, some prophets, some teachers, some healers, some work miracles and although all are individuals the body works together. Each of these gifts is a valued skill and each plays a part together The same is true of our life as the church today. God has given us many and varied skills. One of the great joys of ministry for me is seeing people discovering their gifts and learning how to use those in the service of the Church of God and in the wider world. I often look out across the congregation on a Sunday morning and appreciate what a wide and diverse gathering the church is; possibly the most eclectic gathering in town on a Sunday morning when you look and see old and young and people of all sorts of different backgrounds. Each person has a part to play. We are all part of the body of Christ and all called to use our own unique and particular gifts. Occasionally I hear someone comment that they do not feel they have anything to offer but I really do not think that is true: Everybody can and does contribute within the body of Christ I remain ever grateful to the many people who make up the Body of Christ in this parish. There are lots of amazing people of diverse, varied gifts. I hope that we appreciate the gifts and roles in each other and rejoice in what we all contribute in this parish
Fr Simon