Rev Rosie writes October 2024

Rector of All Saints Church, Belton
St Peter & St Paul Church, Burgh Castle

Always look on the bright side of life . . .

That song by Monty Python I have heard played at a wedding (as the couple left the church...) and at a funeral (also at the end of the service!). It’s a song that talks about the tough stuff of life, and in many ways makes light of it, but never the less states things as they are... that life is full of difficult times and death comes to us all!
LIGHT PARTY 31-10-2024 
You might be thinking that I am being rather down and morbid. Far from it. I suppose I am fortunate in having a half-full attitude to life, but in my role as Rector of the parishes of Belton with Browston & Burgh Castle, I have my fair share of extremely sad times, and I hold the pain and sadness of the people I minister to, who have lost loved ones and feel devastated. I can’t be anything but real and empathetic in those situations, and the pain of their loss touches me, and it reminds me of the losses in my own life. However, I thank God for the hope of heaven and eternal life that I have through my belief in Jesus Christ and for the comfort that gives me. It is only with God’s help and through prayer that I can carry the weight of all that comes across my path
At the end of October we shall celebrate All Hallows Eve, Halloween as it is known to many. All Hallows is a Christian festival begun in the 8th century when Pope Gregory III made 1st November All Saints Day –
All-hallows (from the Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day). The end of October/ beginning of November had been a time of celebration with bonfires for the Celtic religion to mark the end of the harvest and beginning of winter, the traditional night of Samhain
From its earliest days, the Church has recognised those heroes of the faith whose lives were examples of holiness that inspired others to follow, with the belief that there is a communion with the church on earth and church in heaven. In Hebrews 12 the Bible tells us “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”. All Hallows, All Saints’ Day (1st) and All Souls Day (2nd November) are days when the church remembers and commemorates those who have gone before us
The church of Belton is named “All Saints” and the east window in the church building commemorates a number of significant saints in the history of the church; followers of Jesus who were faithful inspirations to those around them, or whose example is recognised in history. You are welcome to come in and take a look when the church is open
This year, as always, there will be a Light Party held in the church for children aged 4-11 years; details of which can be found online at or on our Facebook page All Saints Church Belton. It is always great fun for the children who attend, and the adults helping to run it, and a celebration of light and life. Always look on the bright side of life . . .
Rev Rosie Bunn

images courtesy of Village Voice