Viewpoint from Mick Holder 31/10/08
Mick Holder
Cross Bearer and Chalice Server
St Mary’s Church
 We have read recently in the letters pages about people’s faith. I have said many times that no-one is perfect, any kind of faith is not hard to believe in, but I strongly believe that love to all is most important. We all have our problems and can be hurt by careless remarks, which brings me to what has made my faith stronger
Before moving to Norfolk I worked in the health service and became good friends with Bert, a Salvation Army member. In his spare time Bert visited the hospital wards taking library books for patients to read, there were all kinds of books, not just about religion. On one occasion on his usual rounds he asked a patient in the bed at the far end of the ward “would you like a book to read, friend?” “No thanks,” he replied, “ I don’t believe in all that religion, I’m an atheist.” I expect he thought Bert was pushing religion at him as Bert proudly wore his Salvation Army button which had a cross on it. Bert carried on his rounds. About two weeks later, going back to the ward, Bert could see this same man, who was in pain, trying to reach a glass of water. Bert said, “ Can I help you my friend?” The man looked at Bert, very shaken and very ill and only opening his eyes with difficulty, he stretched out his had and said, “ Please God, help me”. No, he was not an atheist; in his time of need he had found his faith
As a health service worker, I found my faith strengthening in the work I did. As a cross bearer and chalice server my love has grown stronger and my faith has improved – but I will never be perfect. Peace, love and faith be with you all