| Viewpoint from Rev Liz Dawes 21/03/2025 | I have just come back from a week’s placement at Norwich Cathedral. It’s part of a curate’s training that we are given an insight into how our Cathedral church operates on a daily basis as it goes about its daily rhythm of prayer and worship
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 | Viewpoint from Jane Walters 14/03/2025 | I’ve had today’s date in my diary for a little while now. True, it’s someone’s significant birthday, plus I have an event to go to in the afternoon, but those are not the only things I’ve pencilled in. I’ve also written: CHIFF-CHAFF?! in capitals
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 | Viewpoint from Hazel Thackray 07/03/2025 | We are not all called to become Ministers in the Church, there are many more jobs for us to do within the church that are just as useful, that can help other people in many different ways—and not just within the church
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 | Viewpoint from Revd Canon Nick Garrard 28/02/2025 | In 1413, a woman entered a church in Great Yarmouth, prayed in front of a statue of the Virgin Mary, then set off towards the quay. Her name was Margery Kempe. She was leaving England for a long and dangerous pilgrimage to Jerusalem that would take nearly
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 | Viewpoint from Derek Mill 21/02/2025 | There is an age old question that we get asked as children: “Which came first the chicken or the egg?” Personally, I find it hard to see how an egg could have come first. Who would have looked after the new born chick? How would it feed itself and grow?
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 | Viewpoint from Dave Weeks 14/02/2025 | The United Kingdom was once considered a Christian country. Today, I no longer believe that to be the case. Fewer and fewer people identify as Christian and, while our laws may have been founded on Judeo-Christian principles, our behaviour as a society
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Viewpoint from Dr David Watson 07/02/2025 | We are celebrating the birth of a grandson, which somehow, despite it being a normal family event, has brought exceptional joy and outpouring of love. At Thursford before Christmas one of their carols sung with such feeling, enthusiasm and urgency
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Viewpoint from Rev Canon Simon Ward 31/01/2025 | This weekend is the feast of Candlemas. Years ago, it was traditionally the day when people brought candles to church for them to be blessed. Sometimes the church store of candles would be blessed for use in the coming year
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Viewpoint from Michael Clarry 24/01/2025 | As the first month of 2025 draws nearer to its end, I wonder how many of us are still keeping up our New Year resolutions. The best New Year resolution one could have made is choosing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour
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