Viewpoint from Rev Nigel Clements for 11th July 22
Rev Nigel clements
Minister of Martham Methodist Church
‘Love Story’
Travelling around the lovely county of Norfolk in my car I frequently listen to the radio. The other day I heard a song I’d not heard played for years, it was the theme song from the 1970 film, ‘Love Story’, a romantic drama starring Ali Macgraw and Ryan O’Neil. Millions of people around the world celebrate this great love story every year. It is of course the story of God’s love for humanity, for each of us, you and me, that we see in the birth , life, ministry, teaching, death and resurrection of His son, Jesus. Its not a romantic Mills and Boon Hollywood blockbuster love story, but one that demonstrates a sacrificial love resulting in forgiveness, reconciliation and new life for anyone who makes a commitm ent to follow Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. It’s a deep love that brings healing and wholeness into our lives and gives us a fresh start. It’s the kind of love that changes us for the better, from the inside, helping us in return to love God, but also challenges us to love others, following Jesus’ example and teaching where he said “A new command I give you, that you love one another just as I have loved you”.
We don’t have to look very far to see hatred, un-forgiveness and bitterness, just read a daily newspaper or watch the news, and sadly it’s all too easy for us to become a part of the problem. But what about us becoming a part of the answer? We may not be able to change the whole World or Nation, but we can change for the better our little corner of this world. In response to God’s great love towards us we have a responsibility to live our lives in a loving manner towards others. Just think how much better the world could become if we actually lived out these words from the prayer of St Francis of Assisi – ‘Lord, make me an instrument of your peace, where there is hatred, let me sow love; …..where there is injury, pardon; …….where there is despair, hope; …….. where there is sadness, joy. ….where there is discord, harmony. Grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love’.
Quite a challenge!
May the Lord bless you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace. Rev Nigel Clements