Viewpoint from Rev Peter Paine for 1st August 2014
Rev Peter Paine
Member of Gorleston Baptist Church
Port Chaplain
Seafarers Ahoy!!
There is no shortage of sea stories in the Bible. There are plenty of stories which tell of the challenges and dangers of the sea. Water, for ma ny in the ancient world including the people of Israel, was something to fear, with its destructive power and its unpredictability. For many, the waters became symbolic of the chaos which threatened order and life.
This year our Sea Sunday theme is the book of Jonah
Jonah is a sea story which has at its heart a great storm, one which threatens the lives of the crew of a merchant vessel.
We tend to take for granted the food in our supermarkets, the shoes on our feet, the houses we live in, and even the books our children have at school. Without our seafarers much of this would not be possible. We are an island, and we need over 90% of our goods to be brought in by sea, and thanks to our seafarers they deliver, come rain or shine, calm or rough seas the containers get through.
Here in Great Yarmouth a new Seafarers centre is being established to extend to the seafarers who come here the ability to take some time away from their vessel, to communicate with their loved ones back home, to be able to speak with other seafarers in a place of safety.
This Sunday the story of Jonah is the theme. Someone who really did not want to go where God wanted him to go, so as he was sailing a great storm arose and the seafarers became worried. They decided to throw Jonah overboard and he was swallowed up by a large whale, who just happened to be going passed where God wanted Johan to go.
The Book of Jonah also speaks of God’s call. Jonah tries to run away from that call and finds that there is no escape from God. Despite Jonah’s reservations, that is generally in the Bible felt to be a good thing!
As the Psalmist says (Psalm 139)
“If I climb up to heaven, you are there; if I make
my bed in Sheol, you are there. If I travel to
the limits of the east, or dwell at the bounds of
the western sea, even there your hand will be
guiding me, your right hand holding me fast.”
Here in Great Yarmouth a new Seafarers centre is being established to extend to the seafarers who come here the ability to take some time away from their vessel, to communicate with their loved ones back home, to be able to speak with other seafarers in a place of safety.
For the last 158 years The Mission has responded to God’s call to share his love amongst seafarers. As it continues to carry out that ministry it seeks to hear God’s call afresh. Will you spare time today and every day to just say a “Little Prayer” for the seafarers?