A Backward Glance
5th March 2021

What does a development worker do during lockdown? Although it may sound like a joke, it was a genuine question and one that worried me back in March 2020. I was delighted not to have been furloughed but had no idea what my work was going to look like in the new world of isolation. Many of the groups I had been supporting were closed, network meetings were cancelled and all plans were put on hold
Thankfully, it was not long before a ‘new normal’ emerged. Meetings went on-line, networking took place via Zoom, and webinars became a regular source of training. Although working from home meant working alone, it didn’t mean having to be lonely. In fact, I probably attended more meetings during lockdown than ever before. I was spared the wasted travelling time, could take more control of my diary, and was able to make coffee whenever I wanted!
From my home office in the spare bedroom, I observed people across the county looking out for one another in new ways and communities pulling together like never before. This was as true in King’s Lynn as anywhere. Local Facebook groups emerged connecting those in need with volunteers and people everywhere seemed willing to help
Although many things had changed, my role remained much the same as before. I spent many hours writing grant applications for churches and charities. I supported King’s Lynn foodbank, night shelter and debt centre. I wrote reports, articles and newsletters. And best of all, I continued to help new projects to emerge
There were two initiatives in particular that I was involved with. One was a holiday hunger project offering food and activities for children, and the other a telephone befriending service for people feeling isolated, lonely or stressed. These projects developed quickly. Organisations showed a fresh enthusiasm for partnering together and funders were more generous than they’d previously been. Bureaucracy was reduced and funds were released quickly. Despite the pandemic, we were discovering new ways of working that were more efficient and effective than before
I hope, when we finally move forward from this challenging time, we can take with us some of the good practice we have learnt, especially those things that make a development worker’s job just a little easier!
Andrew Frere-Smith
Development Worker
Imagine Norfolk Together
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