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Viewpoint from Rev Rosie Bunn 09/04/2021

rosie bunnRev Rosie Bunn
Rector of All Saints Church, Belton
St Peter & St Paul Church, Burgh Castle
I have just been writing some of the Easter cards I am sending to friends and family.  One has a picture of the crown of thorns and the words: “His love endures forever”.  Another has a colourful cross with a heart at the centre and says “Loved beyond measure” and another a creative interpretation of the three empty crosses of Good Friday and the caption “Love without limits”.   I wonder what Easter cards you have received
EASTER CARDSNo fluffy lambs or rabbits for me!  No flowery pictures, as lovely as they are.  Because for me, it is the Good Friday death of Jesus and his Easter Day rising again that is central to my celebration of Easter.  Yes, I will enjoy the breaking open of the hollow Easter egg on Easter Sunday morning, and the yummy chocolate, but without what happened in Jerusalem nearly two thousand years ago, there would be little point in them
Easter is the time of hope.  It happens in spring time when we have the explosion of colour in the flowers and all of creation; the young chicks and lambs; the lengthening of the days and the warmer sunshine.  Life is improving!  For the church the Easter season goes on for seven weeks, this year until the 23rd May
Dove rightThis year, we have the hope of lockdown being released, gradually, and the looking forward to being able to meet with friends and relatives once again, to go out further from our homes, to resume shopping and eating out, going places to visit, theatre and cinemas, and eventually the possibility of holidays once again.  I wonder what you hope for
There is an old hymn by Edward Mote 1797-1874) that has been re-released as a modern worship song, which sums up for me the hope I have in Jesus.  Because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and because of the promises contained in his teaching, that there is life in all its fullness now and beyond death.
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus Christ, my righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly trust in Jesus’ name. 
When darkness veils His lovely face,
I rest on His unchanging grace;
In every high and stormy gale,
My anchor holds within the veil.
When He shall come with trumpet sound,
Oh, may I then in Him be found;
In Him, my righteousness, alone,
Faultless to stand before the throne.                                 
dove leftThere’s a line in a verse not included in the modern version that says “when all around my soul gives way, He then is all my hope and stay”.  But, may be, a verse from the famous hymn “Amazing Grace” puts it in a more easily understood way:  The Lord has promised good to me, his word my hope secures; he will my shield and portion be as long as life endures
The death of Jesus on the cross, and his rising from death on the third day, offers each one of us hope.  It is a gift from God for each one of us.  It is a gift, to be received, unwrapped and enjoyed, just like an Easter egg (and I hope you have enjoyed yours).  It is amazing grace; the amazing grace of the God who loves us.  It is not something we can earn or deserve, but received by faith – believing in Jesus Christ.  Amazing!
My hope in Jesus Christ helps me walk through the troubles and uncertainties of this life.  I may not know the future, but I know who holds my future, so I will continue to walk with Jesus, grateful for his love and amazing grace, which, by the way, is for offered to everyone.  You just have to ask, and open your heart to receive the gift.  Happy Easter!


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