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Viewpoint from Rev Peter Paine 02/07/2021

Port Chaplain


Who is your neighbour?

So, the big talking point over the past 18 months has been about the Coronavirus, how we have been kept in our homes for longer than we expected and being told it for our own good. As I sit in my study, the G7 conference has finished and today is the day we have all been waiting for, or is it?  Will we get the go ahead or another few weeks of tighter controls?
dove leftHow often have you ever stopped to think of our seafarers, most of them have been aboard ship not being able to get off and to fly home, no reliefs for nearly 24 months enough time to go around the world to drop containers off and load some more. Some ports have stopped ship visitors going aboard other have to get dressed up in full PPE
Do you remember the song “When I needed a neighbour” and the way also Jesus said in Luke 10: 25 -37 when he asks the expert in the law “Who is my neighbour?” and goes on to tell the story of the Good Samaritan? Well, during this pandemic our neighbours have been the seafarers who have strived to continue to bring the goods we needed to keep us going. Not only food, but clothes, cars, timber, paper, and yes even our Christmas presents, (which I should remind you they will be leaving far away shores by the end of the month!!)
Dove rightGreat Yarmouth Seafarers Centre on South Quay has kept its doors open ready for the seafarers to come in, we will soon be able to open fully once the country opens up.  July 4th is the start of Seafarers Week, and July 11th Sea Sunday when all churches are asked to make some small donation to help with the ongoing work of the gospel with seafarers
Two ways to donate. 1) GYSC direct or 2) Mission to Seafarers, both may be sent to the Seafarers Centre and sent on
Remember Luke 10: 25-37 WHO is your neighbour?
God bless you all

also published in the Great Yarmouth Mercury


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