Greetings from Revd Ashley
29th September 2022

pictured above is Rev Ashley with Archbishop Graham at her Licensing service. credit: Parish Life magazine
My name is Ashley, and I am your new Team Vicar. I am happy to be called Revd Ashley, Mother Ashley, or any name you would prefer. In a previous parish I was also known as Father Ashley even after they had met me, and it became obvious that I am female
Everybody thinks that I am a very pastoral person. The truth is I am just nosey and like to hear people’s stories. I am plain speaking and what you see is what you get. I don’t always pronounce words properly especially biblical ones; Father Simon will attest to this after suffering my pronunciations during recent morning prayers
My husband Roger is an HGV driver currently looking for work, at least I think he is! The word retirement keeps cropping up in conversation, so who knows what he is up to. If you find out, please let me know
We have four children, Katie and Duane from my first marriage and Declan and Jordan from our marriage. Katie is married to Alisdair and they have two boys, Alexander and Finnan. Duane is married to Erica who is Japanese, and they have a son Yutsu. Declan‘s partner is Mardhavi and Jordan’s partner is Joshua. None of them live with us any longer, but we do have a black cat called Ebony who more than makes up for their absence
Thank you to all who came to my Licensing, I think we can all agree that it was a lovely occasion. I would like to thank everyone who played a part in making it a special evening. Roger and I look forward to getting to know you in the coming months and we are looking forward to a long and fruitful relationship with all in Great Yarmouth
Until next time God Bless
Rev Ashley Hines
Team Vicar, Great Yarmouth Team Ministry
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Great Yarmouth or surrounding district?
If so, email judith.edmonds@ntlworld.com with details and, if possible, a suitable picture(s)