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Viewpoint from Derek Mill 03/03/2023

Worship Leader, All Saints Church, Belton

I was praying a few days ago and started by saying to God, "We never know what the future holds, do we?" I thought about a couple of decisions that have affected my life, choosing music over football, (a decision I don't really understand to this day) and choosing to go to Bible study on a Friday night instead of going to a music group I played in. (Neither decision do I regret.) It was through Bible study I started going to church, 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning, early, perhaps, so no one would see me?
It was later that I started going to the morning service at 9:30am and playing keyboards in the modern worship songs. Not very long after I started leading worship, and eventually 'doing the talk.' As I said, we never know what the future holds
dove leftI couldn't have predicted this future for certain. And yet, everything seems to have gone according to plan! There are many decisions I have made that I have regretted, I guess we all have those, but music over football, for me is not one I regret, and accepting the Truth that God exists and that Jesus is His Son is another. Both decisions changed my life
I wonder where you are, reader, in your life's plan. Has everything gone as you expected, as you wanted? If it has you must be one of very few! Did you expect and plan for the pandemic? Did you plan for, and expect, the war in Ukraine? Did you plan for the current financial situation? Did you plan for the troubles you encountered with friends, family, and others in your life, who knocked you down, knocked you back, knocked you out, hurt you and disappointed you? I know I didn't!
And yet in all of life's troubles God has been with me, strengthening me, supporting me, guiding me, so that no matter what has happened I have stood and remain standing. Is God a crutch? Yes, whenever needed. Is God an inspiration? Yes, whenever needed? Is Jesus a Saviour, Messiah? My experience has shown me time and time again that God is real, that accepting God into my life has made such a difference. I have no doubt that He was there when I said yes to violin lessons. I have no doubt that He was there, with us, when my wife was diagnosed with leukaemia
And today I have no doubt that God loves me and is there to hold me, lift me up, guide me through life's troubles, and at the end of all my days to take me to Heaven. One thing we can know for certain is that we have a future destiny, to live forever. How can I be certain? How can you be certain? Accept God's promise and let Jesus into your life. I know I have never regretted it, and my future is certain and secure
God's promise, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all of your heart." (Jeremiah 29:13.) It is difficult to achieve anything, find anything, if we are half-hearted. To succeed in anything we need to be whole-hearted. May you find what you are looking for in life. My recommendation: start with Jesus, and everything else will be added
May God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and give you peace

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