A special service at Great Yarmouth Minster
6th February 2023

It was with a smile and a touch of humour that Rev Canon Simon Ward gave the congregation, of a little under two hundred, a 'warm' welcome to the Minster for the service. The occasion was the installation as Team Vicar in the Great Yarmouth Team Ministry of the Reverend Tracy Williams. After the congregation had sung the hymn 'Lift High the Cross', Tracy was presented to the Bishop of Thetford, who then led the people in prayer
The scripture reading, from Mark's gospel chapter 6 was done by Pam Spychal. It describes a touching incident in the life of the Lord Jesus with His disciples as He encouraged them to "Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest". Then, seeing the crowds that had followed them, it says of the Saviour that "He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd"
The Bishop, in his sermon, encouraged all to seriously become follows of Jesus, and for those responsible, to see that Tracy was allowed to find 'a quiet place and get some rest' from time to time
The congregation joined in the hymn 'Christ Triumphant', which was then followed by the licensing. This was then followed by the congregation being urged to give their ascent to full support of Tracy in his work among and for them, their voices, in response, echoing round the Minster; 'By the help of God we will'. After his installation, Tracy expressed his appreciation for the welcome, and gratitude for the opportunity to serve the people in Yarmouth
The service ended with the hymn 'How Shall I Sing That Majesty" and the Bishop leading Tracy out to the applause of all. Refreshments were served after the service, giving all who stayed the opportunity to meet and talk to their new minister
read our previous article about Rev Tracy
Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Great Yarmouth or surrounding district?
If so, email judith.edmonds@ntlworld.com with details and, if possible, a suitable picture(s)