Past Christmas at St Nicholas

In Edwardian times the church was lavishly decorated with foliage and flowers at Christmas. In 1906, the local press reported that the lady workers of the congregation again applied themselves with such assiduity and good taste that the result was eminently pleasing. In the sanctuary were palms and daisies and in the daily service chapel, pampas grass and flowers in tasteful array
The fine ancient sedilia in the south chancel looked very beautiful with their garniture of chrysanthemums, holly and fir. Lovely chrysanthemums of several hues adorned the pulpit and some of white only on the lectern and font. A wreath of holly was suspended from the bookrest of the lectern and a floral Latin Cross surmounted the bowl of the marble font on which scarlet geraniums were mingled with some pure white blooms and evergreen. As far as the foliage and flowers would go, the Early English columns were wreathed
Every one of the large number of gas standards in the pews were entwined with fir and laurel. The front of the prayer-desk was entwined with evergreens the base of which was thickly covered with mosses from which rose a number of lovely chrysanthemums
On Christmas Day, the bells of St Nicholas' rang at an early hour. A large congregation attended the morning service, at which the Vicar (Canon J. W. Willink) preached, making an eloquent appeal on behalf of the sick and the needy poor. The sympathetic response was an offertory of £30. 12s (c£3,000 today). The bells sent out their joyous music in the afternoon. In the evening a carol service filled the hour from six to seven o’clock
Five years previously, a novelty was arranged when the parish choir accompanied by a band sang several seasonal hymns on Christmas morning on top of the tower. The choir was placed on a platform at the top of the tower at the base of the spire with the music floating softly through the air to hundreds of people assembled on Church Plain. Descending from the tower the band performed several sacred selections at the vicarage gate
Paul Davies
Great Yarmouth Minster
courtesy of Great Yarmouth Parish Life
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