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New Vicar of St Andrew's, Gorleston is welcomed

SHAULA REILLYReverend Shaula Reilly was officially welcomed to the parish of St Andrew’s Gorleston on the evening of 13th February with a service of Institution led by The Right Reverend Graham Usher, Bishop of Norwich
Reverend Canon Simon Ward, Acting Archdeacon of Norfolk, led the Induction and Installation, part of which is the ringing of the church bell by the new vicar (as seen in the photo) to make it known to the community that a new ministry has begun
The service was a joyful and happy event which marks the start of a new chapter in the life St Andrew’s Church
Shaula thanked everyone for their welcome and support, and said how much she is looking forward to getting to know everyone and serving the people of Gorleston
photo provided by St Andrew's


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