Mixed ability congregation launch in Gorleston

Mixed ability congregation launch in Gorleston
Magdalen Way Methodist Church is starting a new WAVE congregation which involves people with additional needs in all aspects of the leadership and running
The aim of the the team at Magdalen Way Methodist Church in Gorleston, is to develop an inclusive, all-age, mixed ability congregation where people can make new friends and learn about God together. The next meetings will be on Saturdays March 2 and April 13 between 2pm and 4pm, at the church and they are inviting people to come along and get involved
Rev Donna Dodson from the Norfolk Broads Methodist Circuit says: “We are blessed with having many special friends in our community and have wanted to do church in a way that everyone, is valued and involved. So at Magdalen Way Methodist we have started a new congregation that involves people with additional needs in leadership, planning and running things. We are still learning how best to do this, but it's great fun”
The initiative is part of the national WAVE (We’re All Valued Equally) movement which seeks to encourage and enable mixed-ability friendships. WAVE was started by two parents with first-hand experience of the challenges of integrating a child with learning disabilities into their community. They realised that the greatest barrier they faced can’t be overcome by legislation or policy. It needs a change in the attitudes of those who have little or no experience of disability. The Christian faith of the founders of the WAVE movement, Bernice and Celia, motivated them to work toward a more inclusive society, based on a belief that in God’s eyes we’re all valued equally
You can contact Deacon Sheralee for more information about the Magdalen Way WAVE and to them know if there is anything we can do to make it easier for you to join in: deaconsheralee@gmail.com
Find out more about WAVE by visiting their website: https://www.wave-for-change.org.uk/about
Photo of some of the current WAVE team courtesy of Victoria Moyse