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Men’s Church Walk

MENS CHURCH WALK 04-2024BOn Saturday morning of the 6th April we met at the rectory for All Saints Church, Belton, for a bacon roll before setting off for Ludham for the monthly walk. This was a 5.5 mile walk from Ludham, first stopping at the bridge café for coffee and cake and then continuing on to St Bennet’s Abbey
The weather was perfect, warm and dry although there was a strong southerly wind blowing in our faces as we crossed the marsh
From the Abbey we continued along the paths back to the road and then into Ludham where we stopped for a small liquid refreshment before returning to Belton

MENS CHURCH WALK 04-2024AIf you would like to join us contact Peter on 07914 777401
The next walk will be to Minsmere on Saturday 4th May


images courtesy of Village Voice


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