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Viewpoint from Rev Mike Flynn 19/07/2024

MIKE FLYNNRev Mike Flynn
Minister, Gorleston Baptist Church


Is Christianity relevant today?

I saw a TV programme recently that in passing, as a throw-away comment really, alluded to the so-called ‘fact’ that Christianity was no longer relevant to us.  It was sad to hear; but a widespread view I suspect – particularly in this country
But what about it?  Is Christianity relevant today?  Uh... Yes!   (Otherwise I wouldn’t be doing the job I love as a church minister, for a start..  but also the countless people who can testify to the ongoing, transforming, relevance of Jesus in their lives!)  If God is God, then Christianity is relevant!
But it’s a good question.  Jesus first came into a specific time and place and culture 2000 years ago.  Our circumstances are quite different today, aren’t they?  Well, yes and no.  Much is different of course; but when you go deeper, you quickly see that the human condition is actually the same.  Our need for God, and for relationship with Him, is as strong as ever.  And Jesus shows us God’s truths.. being the face of God for us – so we can relate to Him and what He is like
These are extraordinary truths, and just a start:
Nothing changes the ongoing relevance.  Scientific advance? (OK, but so what; we still need God.  It’s His scientific laws that are being discovered, isn’t it? – what a marvel in fact); Economic advance and political progress? (Sometimes debateable as we know – but, again, so what; we still need God)..  and so on and so forth
The job of the church is to be an authentic witness to the truths and immeasurable love of God which is very real and current.  God is beyond our grasp, of course – and so we worship Him in all that mystery for who He is.  But He has come down to our level in Jesus, to show us His relevance and care in our own situations and contexts.  Great Yarmouth 2024 is different than, say, Galilee 2000 years ago; but the Good News Jesus brings is the same.  For our hearts (the core of our being) first and foremost, and then indeed for our whole lives too.  And this is relevant for all the world all the time!  Of course it is.  He is alive and well today!  So, with integrity and relevance, let’s speak it, model it, and – with His help – love others and care for the world in the same way God has loved us, and goes on loving us
I can’t think of anything – anything – more relevant!
God bless 

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