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Green Day planned by Oulton Broad church

Oulton Broad Green Day 750
Green Day planned by Oulton Broad church

St Mark’s Church in Oulton Broad will be holding a Green Day to raise eco awareness, support local enthusiasts and focus on the wonder of creation, from hedgehogs to bees!

The Green Day will run on Saturday June 1 at St Mark’s Church, Bridge Road, Oulton Broad, near Lowestoft, and is a free community event.  Activities will include learning about beekeeping, an eco library, watching the Lowestoft Signing Choir, badge-making and the opportunity to buy plants and obtain gardening advice. The day will run from 10 am – 2pm

Also represented will be Hedgehog Haven, Men’s Shed, Suffolk Climate Change Partnership, Plug-in Suffolk, Use Your Voice Lowestoft, Christian Climate UK and Uncle Sid’s Zero Waste Store

The event has been organised by the church’s Green Team. Team member Harvey Bradley explains the motivation behind the event: “Eco changes are challenging for all of us in different ways. But many of the answers are communal. Meeting together with eco minded people and enthusiasts both shares any burdens and gives a sense of common purpose”
St Mark’s achieved a silver Eco Church award from A Rocha in September 2022 for their efforts to make the church more eco friendly. Harvey comments: “Achieving a silver award has taught us that we are all in this eco journey together”

Photo courtesy of Revd Canon Helen Jary


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Anna Heydon, 16/05/2024

Reproduced from the Network Norfolk website. Used with permission.