Christian Aid event in Ormesby St Margaret 

CA EVENT 05-2024A
Many thanks to everyone who came to the concert and pop-up cafe at The Chapel in Ormesby St Margaret last week.  It was wonderful to have the building teeming with people and together we raised over £2,200 for Christian Aid, to help some of the poorest people in the world
Our thanks are due also to the dozens of members and friends of Light of Life Baptist Church who baked cakes, grew plants, and donated items to sell, and who helped on the day by setting up, cooking, serving, washing-up, and clearing away afterwards.  We couldn't have done it without you - a real team effort!   
And last, but definitely not least, our appreciation to the fantastic Helen and Lesley, who planned and pulled it all together.  You are AMAZING!
CA EVENT 05-2024B

photos courtesy of Jenny Nicholson


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