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Viewpoint from Pastor Anne Simpson 16/08/2024 

ANNE SIMPSONPastor Anne Simpson
Elim Pentecostal Church, Bradwell


Hope in Waiting

Waiting is something that most of us find difficult – waiting at the supermarket checkout, waiting in a traffic jam, or waiting for something that we are longing for can all cause us to become frustrated
This year, it seemed as if we waited for summer to arrive for a long time. Day after day of unusual low temperatures, cloud and rain until eventually some warmer weather arrived and we woke up to see the sunshine
Life can be a bit like that too at times. Sometimes it seems as if days are dark and we are waiting to see the sunshine in our lives
dove leftThe bible says that “Hope deferred makes the heart sick” and when we long for things that don’t seem to happen, it can have a huge impact upon our lives both physically and emotionally
Maybe we are hoping for better times in our relationships, hoping for a better diagnosis at the hospital, hoping for a better promotion at work, hoping for that marriage proposal, hoping for our children to do well in their careers, hoping for a better financial position. So many things that we can be hoping for. Sometimes we receive and sometimes we are disappointed
The bible says that “those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength”. When we look to the Lord, we can find hope in the time of waiting, knowing that God has the best plan for our lives and as we trust him and walk with him, he will lead and guide us to the best that he has for our lives
This year we have seen some amazing rainbows after the days of rain – the rainbow is a sign of Gods covenant with the earth that he has promised to never flood the earth again after the time of Noah. As we look up and see the rainbow, it is a sign that God is faithful to all his promises. A promise of better times ahead if we will put our trust in the one who loves us the most and laid down his life for us on the cross and who offers us abundant life here and eternal life thereafter
Whatever you are hoping for this season put your hope in Jesus who holds the key to your future. Just like we see the rainbow after the rain, there is always hope after the rain

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