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Church heads out into the sun at Horning

Church in Sun 750
Church heads out into the sun at Horning

St Benedict’s Church welcomed new families to its first ever Church in the Sun event  

The Church in the Sun gathering was a new initiative for St Benedict’s Church in Horning, and attracted 20 children and their families

The Rector, Revd Ben Bradshaw, began the service by exploring Genesis 1 and spoke about how we can give thanks that God made the sun. The children then considered and offered lots of excellent answers as to why the sun is so important and listed all the different things that we need it for. Father Ben concluded by teaching that Jesus is the light of the world and how Christ can, like the sun, also shine in our lives

Everyone then headed outside to enjoy the wonderful sun and to take part in lots of different games and activities; there was even a BBQ and Ice cream! When the young people needed some shade from the sun, they came back inside the church and completed a treasure hunt which helped them to discover all the different things that we have in church and why we have them

Revd Bradshaw commented: “We had 20 children and their parents join us, many of whom were visiting St Benedict's for the first ever time! Our ongoing mission and outreach continues here in the benefice”

The event was part of the the benefice's Children’s Church programme: a schedule of exciting and fun services for young people and their families. Previous events have included a teddy bear's picnic and Palm Sunday walk with donkeys

Photo courtesy of Revd Ben Bradshaw



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Anna Heydon, 30/06/2024

Reproduced from the Network Norfolk website. Used with permission.