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Men’s Church Walk

 MENS CHURCH WALK 06-2024AOn a cloudy but otherwise great weather for walking, after a bacon roll at the rectory we set of for Covehithe to walk a circular route from the parking position, through the woods and out onto the beach at Benacre. Before reaching the beach, we stopped for coffee and drink, with a super slice of sponge which Rev Rosie had made for us as this is one walk where there is not a café on the route. Thank you Rosie
We then continued along the beach witnessing the terrible erosion of the cliffs that is taking place and also a great bird spectacular with Swans, Geese, Avocets and Terns by Benacre water. Then continued back to where we left the cars. A welcome liquid refreshment on the way home was welcomed. If you would like to join this great friendly group and talk about everything en route then meet at the Belton rectory at 8.30am on 6th July for another great walk. The images show sections of the walk plus a live map of the complete route

courtesy of Village Voice


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