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Viewpoint from Dr David Watson 06/09/2024

Retired GP
Authorised Worship Assistant, St Andrew’s Church, Gorleston


Could, Would, Should

 I could have done so much better if,  I would have done so much better if…. Or I should have done so much better
“Could if” relates to my excuses while “would if” introduces outside influences and the should has no if – it’s the potential to be realised had we, ourselves given our all to achieve the expectation of our talents
dove leftIn the formative years of youth I failed to recognise the great gift of education being the foundation upon which so much of our lives are built. I was too easily distracted by what I wanted to do rather than what I now realise I needed to do to establish a broader foundation for later life. It is so easy to waste time and effort on the unnecessary. In today’s world TV, social media, and gaming are all too readily available. Society today is plagued by antisocial behaviour and individual criminal activity – things for which we ourselves are accountable if we are participants
 “How could I have done so much better?’
Life would be so much better for so many if the outside influences of war, organised crime like people trafficking and the drugs underworld, people exploiting and abusing their fellow humanity. We have little individual influence to alter outcomes of natural disasters of flood, storm, drought, and earthquake though through aid charities and personal endeavour we could influence their outcomes. Factors imposing on the individual such as poverty, adverse personal circumstances, disabilities and illnesses, bullying and harassment that limit what would be achieved if they were removed from our lives
For a small minority the personal “would have done so much better“ (in other ways) if they had not taken the totally unselfish responsibility for caring for others. That begs the question – “What is better?
“I should have done so much more” We can all reflect on that but the Christian Faith asks us to reflect on whether or not Jesus Christ had been recognised by us - individuals - as sent to earth by God the Father to show us all that whatever we may have done or not done, if we fail to want God in our lives while we are on earth why can we expect to spend eternity with the God who created the universe including earth and all its wonders
Now is the time I should recognise God, not when it is too late


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