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Greening the Minster - Energising the Community


GY MINSTER parish life 08-2024Great Yarmouth Minster sits at the heart of our town. The surrounding churchyard is biodiverse, oxygenating Great Yarmouth and providing a reflective haven from the stress of daily life
For six years we have been developing a vision for our Minster in which our love for God’s earth is at the core. A detailed holistic plan has evolved during this period which we pray will secure the Minster at the heart of our energised community for the next 100 years. The plan incorporates several key areas for development 

Greening the churchyard to promote biodiversity and to encourage community use

Identifying and correcting the ‘At Risk’ parts of the historic building

Internal improvements to welcome and nurture users of the Minster

Discrete net zero heating installation and insulation

Community engagement through a planned programme of activities 

We have recently turned our attention to applying for funds to carry out our ambitious plans. I am very pleased to announce that the Great Yarmouth Minster has successfully become a Net Zero Demonstrator Church. This means we will receive a substantive grant, specialist technical advice, together with specialist fundraising advice. This will greatly help to drive forward our plans and enable us to engage independent advisors to progress the Minster Project
Furthermore, we have been working on an application to the National Heritage Lottery Fund for a very large grant to help us to carry out our ambitious plans. The application known as an Expression of Interest has just been submitted. We will know the outcome of our application by mid-August. Your prayers will be very welcome for the success of our application

Paul Spychal, Churchwarden, Great Yarmouth Minster


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