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Viewpoint from Michael Clarry 24/01/2025

Dove rightMichael Clarry
Elder, Great Yarmouth Adventist Church

One Step at a Time

As the first month of 2025 draws nearer to its end, I wonder how many of us are still keeping up our New Year resolutions. The best New Year resolution one could have made is choosing to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. If you did, I’d like to encourage you to remain faithful to Him. If you didn’t then I’d like to strongly encourage you to take a moment and consider the importance of eternal matters regarding your life as to when Jesus returns
No one knows the day or hour” Matt 24:36 when Jesus will return, however, what we do know is that He will return, and when He comes back, all humanity will be divided into two groups – The Saved and The Lost. The deciding factor is down to having, or sadly not having, a living, active, and growing relationship with Jesus
Those that have chosen Jesus to be their personal saviour, and have a vibrant relationship with Him will hear those wonderful and most welcoming words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant” Matt 25:21, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world” Matt 25:34
Sadly, those who have not chosen Jesus as their personal saviour, or have neglected to have a relationship with Him will hear the dreadful words proclaimed by The Saviour Himself, “Away with you, you cursed ones…” Matt 25:41 “Believe me, I don’t know you!” Matt 25:12
Once again, I’d like to strongly encourage you to choose Jesus as your personal saviour
Only The Lord knows what lies ahead for us in this year. I of course pray that it will all be good, however as I watch the news and observe current world affairs, I think it is fair to say that the return of Our Lord and Saviour is now nearer than ever. The Bible explains that just before He returns, sin will be rampant, there will be an increase of natural disasters, there will be wars and many other signs (Matt 24). These atrocities are taking place all around the world! I come to the conclusion that Jesus is coming again soon! We need to be ready to meet Him!
But let’s take one step at a time – The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns, ‘He brings His reward with Him’ Rev22:12. This indicates that although all humanity will be divided into two groups (saved and lost) at He returns. The decision of who goes into what group takes place before he returns!
So my words of encouragement for today is that although “We look forward with Blessed hope to that wonderful day when the glory of our great God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, will be revealed” Titus 2:13, let’s not wait till that day to give our hearts to Jesus, for the time is now to choose Jesus. The time is now to submit to Him. The time is now to allow The Holy Spirit to come into your hearts. The time is now to accept Jesus as your personal Saviour 

The views carried here are those of the author, not necessarily of Network Yarmouth, and are intended to stimulate constructive and good-natured debate between website users

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