Icy Dips for Advent 

Pam Spychal reports

PARISH LIFE 01-2025AAt the time of writing I have completed four out of the 24 Icy Dips – at least 2 minutes in the North Sea every day until Christmas
Why am I Doing this? Because I am passionate about the Parish’s Hope Into Action partnership. We are going to be able to help house and support up to three homeless or vulnerably housed people right here in our town. I want to help raise as much as I can for this charity
Check out this website https://  norwich.hopeintoaction.org.uk
Although only 4 days in we have already raised 69% of my target, with the help of many generous donations. It’s never too late to give! Checkout my donation page https://  hopeintoaction.enthuse.com/pf/pam-spychal
What I have discovered is a new appreciation of how the sea and the beach change day by day. Even just 4 days in and I’ve experi­enced calm, wind, sun, cloud and rain. The waves can be gentle and sometimes ferocious. The challenge is the time it takes up, for me, and my trusty spotter, Mr S, who had made sure I stay safe – I’m so grateful. I absolutely love swimming in the sea – perhaps you might like to join me, maybe in the summer!

courtesy of Parish Life