Request for accommodation

My name is Vasya Fediushchenko. I have lived in Odessa in Ukraine for 17 years. I have visited Thailand, Cyrprus, Sri Lanka, and Kenya. My English is quite good. I like walking by the sea coast in any season of the year, running and gymnastics
I got education at the University in Zhaporizhia; I studied physical education (track-and-field athletics, volleyball, football, and basketball)
I have worked in a casino in several cities in the Ukraine and abroad. I would love to live in England

If you can help with accommodating Vasya, please contact Angela on 07591595377
Do you have a news story about yourself, church, or organisation; or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in Great Yarmouth or surrounding district?
If so, email office@networkyarmouth.co.uk with details and, if possible, a suitable picture(s)