Mercury Viewpoint from Keith Bright
As a wheelchair user, I am always grateful if someone opens a door for me; then I in turn endeavour  to hold it open for the next person. As a Christian, I know that the door to heaven was opened for us all by Jesus Christ, now let us hold the door open for others by spreading the word and giving our testimonies.
Just prior to moving from our last home to Gorleston, and before either of us was a Christian, my wife and I were taking two full-size gas bottles to be disposed of. At a set of traffic lights, I noticed an advert for the Alpha course on the side of a bus and found myself wondering whether I should go along. Just then, a lorry driver slipped his clutch. I saw the lorry in my rear view mirror heading for the rear of our car. I held my breath in the few seconds before the lorry hit, then heard the sound of the gas bottles crashing together. I waited for the explosion but none came. Both of our vehicles pulled around the corner, where a very worried-looking lorry driver explained that when he hit the back of our car he saw the wheelchair along with the gas bottles which hit each other and appeared to spark. He said that he thought they would explode and he felt that I would not be able to get out of the car and would therefore be killed. On checking the car, we could find no evidence of damage whatsoever. We both went on our way. As my wife and I drove along, we were talking about what had happened, only to find that at the exact moment of the accident we were both reading the advert for the Alpha course and trying to find the courage to go along. Coincidence? Since becoming a Christian, I have learnt that there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason. We may not always understand the reason at the time but often some time later it becomes clear to us.
When I am out with a collecting tin collecting money for the MS Society, it seems to most people that I am on my own. This was commented upon by a kind person supporting our local branch of the charity as I explained that I was happy to be there talking to people. However, I suddenly realised that I was singing hymns to myself and in fact I was never alone. If you believe in Christ, you also will never be alone again.
‘So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ (Isaiah 41v10)